SC 503 - Design and Analysis of Experiments ( 3 Credits )

 SC 504 - Regression Analysis ( 3 Credits )

 SC 506 - Multivariate Methods I ( 2 Credits )

SC 507 - Stochastic Processes and Applications ( 2 Credits )

SC 516 - Time Series Modeling and Filtering ( 3 Credits )

SC 517 - Non parametric and Categorical Data Analysis ( 3 Credits )

Course Aim/Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of this course student will be able to 

 Ø      describe the properties of commonly used statistical distributions for modelling non-normal data

Ø      decide whether parametric or non-parametric test is suitable for analyzing data according to the situation

Ø       carrying out the appropriate parametric or non-parametric test to analyze data.

Ø      use the basic methods for analyzing contingency tables

Ø      recognize and define the categorical data, recall key concepts of models for categorical data, state analysis plan and reproduce a research design.

Course Content: (Main topics, Sub topics)

 Non parametric tests for one sample test: sign test, sign rank test, non parametric tests for independent two sample test and paired test, Spearman Rank, Kruskal-Wallis test, types of categorical data, Chi squared test for independency, Odds ratio, relative risk calculation, ordinal and nominal logistic regression, Measures of association.

SC 519 - Multivariate Methods II ( 2 Credits )

SC 599 - Independent Study ( 5 Credits )