Application Procedure

Application forms can be downloaded from the PGIS website. When submitting, the application forms should accompany a processing fee of Rs. 2000/-.

Mode of Payment of Processing Fee (Rs. 2000/-):

  • All students are strongly encouraged to make the online payment by following the link Attach a copy of emailed slip to the application . Write the "Order ID " on the top of the first page of the application.
  • Deposit to the PGIS A/C No. 0081041788 at Bank of Ceylon, Peradeniya.
  • Please do not make the payment through CDM (Cash Deposit Machines).
  • If you make the payments over the bank counter, attach the payment slip to the application. Ensure to write your Name, MSc Programme in the bank payment slip.
  • Cash payments are only accepted at the shroff counter /PGIS.

Every application for enrolment must be made in duplicate on the prescribed forms.

The acceptance of the application will be determined on the basis of the particulars disclosed. The relevant academic/professional qualifications possessed by the candidate should be supported by academic transcripts and authenticated copies of degree/diploma certificates. Applicants should arrange to have the official copy/copies of transcript/s sent directly to the Assistant Registrar of the PGIS. Originals of all certificates should be produced before admission as required by the PGIS. Two letters of recommendation, at least one of which should be from an academic referee, should be sent by the referees under confidential cover to the PGIS. Applicants are advised to submit certified photocopies of original certificates along with the application.

The documents submitted in support of an application shall become the property of the PGIS. In the event of any discrepancy between the name/s appearing in an applicant's academic/professional/birth certificates and the name/s given by the applicant in the application form, an affidavit to the effect that the applicant is the one and the same person known by all such name/s or relevant certificates should be sent together with the application form. Duly completed application form should be forwarded to the Assistant Registrar of the PGIS to the below address.

Assistant Registrar
Postgraduate Institute of Science
P.O. Box 25